BLB is a great all-in-one Bible study resource with various study helps designed to be easy to use for all those seeking to gain a deeper knowledge of God's Word provides a great way to search any topic and see Scripture passages and verses pertaining to that subject, as well as geographic search tools to aid in finding geographical locations mentioned in the Bible
Common Apologia is an apologetics blog with logical answers to questions about God and faith in Jesus Christ. It provides defenses and answers to prevalent objections posed to a Christian worldview
Do you have questions about the Bible or about being a Christian? Got Questions provides answers to questions God's people have had over the years. You can even ask your own.
Calvary Chapel East Carolina is part of a network of churches in the Calvary Chapel Association. This a link to the association website for more information on the movement as a whole.
A video series on Revelation and several of the prophetic passages in Scripture
746 Worthington Rd.
Winterville, NC 28590
(Christ Covenant Upper School)
2120 E Fire Tower Rd #107 - 225
Greenville, NC 27858